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Partner with Inspire Software and OKRsTraining.com

Tim Driscoll

January 6, 2021

Partner with Inspire Software and OKRsTraining.com

Schedule a free feedback session on your OKRs or learn more about moving forward successfully with Balanced Scorecard and Continuous Performance Management.


Inspire Software, an integrated continuous performance management platform that creates leaders at all levels, has entered into an exclusive partnership with Paul Niven, an acclaimed management consultant, author, and noted speaker on Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), Balanced Scorecard, and strategy formulation — and his company OKRsTraining.com.

What does this mean for you? A lot.

This partnership gives you access to “best of breed” strategy, consulting, and software solutions — a winning combination for any organization looking to optimize OKR initiatives to deliver strategic results. “Software is an enabler, not a substitute for creating technically proficient OKRs and developing the governance structure necessary to ensure success,” Niven said. “Choosing Inspire Software as a partner was the natural choice because of their product, philosophy, and culture.”

With Inspire Software and OKRsTraining.com, you get the best software, strategy, training, and support to ensure success with Balanced Scorecard, OKRs, and Continuous Performance Management (CPM). As a practitioner and consultant, Niven has developed successful strategy execution systems for organizations of all sizes in a variety of global industries, including Fortune 1000 companies, public sector, and nonprofit agencies.

“With our partnership, our clients can rest assured they are receiving the best of both worlds,” said Inspire Software CEO and founder Chris Wollerman. “Paul’s two decades of experience developing and field-testing tools and techniques with hundreds of clients, combined with our software, is a winning combination.”

Learn More and Schedule a Feedback Session