Inspire Blog | Thought Leadership

Unlocking HR's Future: Key Insights from HR Technology 2023 Conference

Written by Chris Wollerman | October 29, 2023

October has been a month of revelation, innovation, and inspiration. As the CEO of our organization, I had the privilege of attending the HR Technology 2023 conference in Vegas and am excited to share with you the key takeaways and unveil our exciting software releases.

Jenny Lake in October, 10 miles north of Inspire headquarters

Debriefing HR Technology 2023: AI's Impact on HR

One of the conference's standout moments was the keynote address by industry thought leader, Josh Bersin. He enlightened the audience about how AI is set to supercharge various facets of HR. His insights focused on the remarkable potential of AI in talent acquisition. In a time when organizations are striving to control costs, whether through staff attrition, technology consolidation, or both, AI-driven automation is significantly reducing the effort required to manage the often-laborious administration of recruiting. Josh's keynote left us with a profound understanding of the transformative power of AI in HR. 
On day three, author and visionary Marcus Buckingham took the stage, offering a different perspective. He passionately conveyed that the key to unlocking the most potent force in business—people—lies in love, not technology. Buckingham eloquently stated, "You can deploy AI intelligently, you can deploy AI strategically, you can hopefully deploy AI harmlessly. But you can't deploy it lovingly. Not ever." His passionate call to look beyond technology and foster an environment that taps into the essence of human potential, rather than relying solely on technology and AI, resonated deeply with the audience. 
In this conference, AI was front and center, with over 400 sessions dedicated to its discussion. It was clear that AI is not merely a fleeting trend; HR leaders are earnestly embracing it as they strive to learn and implement rapidly. 
An exceptional moment during the conference was when Josh Bersin spent time at our booth testing our AI assistant in Inspire. He even created an OKR to enhance our research sales, and his feedback was nothing short of extraordinary.

Josh Bersin (center) visited Inspire’s booth at HR Tech to test our new AI features! From left to right our Inspire team who attended: Will, Chris, Haley, (Josh), Mark, Kyle and Kim.

To delve deeper into the conference's insights, I recommend reading the comprehensive summary by our valued partner, Starr Conspiracy, available here.

Highlights of Our Latest Software Release

  • Corporate Strategy Builder: Inspire Corporate Strategy offers AI-powered tools to help leaders establish effective company strategies. In partnership with OKRsTraining.COM and author Paul Niven (OKRs for Dummies), we guide leaders in creating cohesive Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). 
  • AI Goal Setting: Inspire's AI goal-setting tools assist teams and individuals in aligning critical business objectives with corporate strategy.
  • Enhanced OKRs: Our AI tools improve the quality of OKRs by applying industry best-practices to establish qualitative objectives and measurable quantitative key results.
  • Productivity Enhancement: AI-powered prompts and agendas elevate productivity in 1:1 collaboration between leaders and individuals, infusing leadership theory and AI insights for better feedback.
  • Streamlined Performance Assessments: Take the dread out of performance assessments with AI-powered tools that help individuals effectively evaluate and discuss their performance during a performance cycle. These AI-enabled reviews reduce bias while providing actionable insights for career development, improving the quality of leader input and saving critical time in review construction.

For more details, visit InspireSoftware.AI

Our Q4 Focus: Deeper Integrations

Looking ahead, our focus for Q4 is on achieving deeper integrations with hundreds of platforms through our ‘Merge’ Integration tool. We are building in-app functionality powered by continuously synced data for each integration and connected customer account.

These exciting developments promise to take HR and business management to new heights, and we're thrilled to be at the forefront of this transformative journey.  We look forward to a future that seamlessly blends the power of AI with the warmth of human connection, and together, we will unlock the full potential of our organizations.

Schedule a demo now to implement AI into your organization.

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